Showing posts with label vintage photography. Show all posts
Showing posts with label vintage photography. Show all posts

Sep 28, 2019


God said, "Let us make man in Our image, after Our likeness.” But image does not mean outer image, or every statue or photograph would be man. It means the inner image—the spirit, the soul. But what of those in our midst who do not have individual souls? Or spirits? They have one mind that they share between them—one spirit. They have the look of man, but not the nature of mankind…

Mar 25, 2015


Masks worn by doctors during the Plague.

Woman with artificial leg, circa 1890-1900.

Early plastic surgery.

Dr. Clark's Spinal Apparatus advertisement, 1878.

Lewis Sayre's scoliosis treatment.

Radiology nurse technician, France, WWII, 1918.

One of first surgical procedures to use ether as an anesthetic, circa 1855.

Leonid Ivanovich Rogozov, Soviet general practitioner,
performs an appendectomy on himself.

Mar 1, 2015


Nicolae Minovici: the doctor who hanged himself for science. During the 1st decade of the 20th century Minovici was employed as  a professor of forensic science at the State School of Science in Bucharest. He took a comprehensive study of death by hanging himself inspired by his research. He wanted to find out 1st hand what it would feel like to die this way.

The 1st picture shows the auto-asphyxiation device he created for the 1st research method. He would lay down on a cot and tug on one end of the rope and the noose would tighten. He lasted only six seconds before consciousness began to slip away, forcing him to stop.

He brought his assistants to help him be lifted into the air while the noose would tighten around his neck. During his 1st try he didn’t last but a couple of seconds before he signaled frantically to be let down. After practicing he was able to endure up to 25 seconds of this.
The 2nd picture shows his final stage of research. Hanging himself from the ceiling by a constricting hangman’s knot.  A burning pain ripped through his neck when he began his experiment and was so intense he had to signal his assistants to stop it after 4 seconds. He was unable to swallow for an entire month.

Oct 19, 2014



“On Halloween, I made us ghosts
but when we slipped on our costumes,
we looked exactly the same.”

Apr 30, 2014


Pretty sure these come from the Historic Houses Trust from Sydney (as posted originally here), but, found these vintage mugshots on another site:
