As a horror genre nutball, there
were two films — held high above all others — whose statuses still remain as my
top two most anticipated releases of all time. The first was Halloween: H20, released when I was a wee 14 years old. The second was Freddy vs. Jason, the ultimate mash-up dream movie combining the Friday the 13th and A Nightmare on Elm Street series' boogeymen. Unlike the former, an
idea that came together pretty quickly, the genesis of Freddy vs. Jason, released in 2003, dates back to the late ‘80s,
when both franchises were starting to suffer from box office fatigue and needed
a shot of adrenaline. I even had in my possession, for a long time, a very
small newspaper clipping announcing the film’s pre-production, then called
“Jason vs. Freddy,” due to be released in “the summer of 1997” and would be
directed by none other than special effects maestro Rob Bottin (The Thing).
This, obviously, did not happen —
along with many other iterations which included different cast members,
writers, and directors. Names like the departed Brad Renfro (The Client, Apt Pupil) and a pre-career
revival Jason Bateman were once mentioned. Established characters from both
franchises were to appear — Alice from A Nightmare
on Elm Street Parts 4 and 5, along with Steven, Jessica, and a grown-up
version of baby Stephanie from Jason
Goes To Hell. That latter portion, especially, makes sense, given that Jason Goes To Hell’s shock ending
included Freddy Krueger’s infamous glove pulling Jason’s mask down,
essentially, into Hell. That’s how quickly New Line Cinema believed Freddy vs. Jason would come together,
rather than the decade it actually took.
So, after all its false starts
and legendary production hells, how did Freddy
vs. Jason fare? Well, it lit up the box office opening weekend, and
accumulated $115 worldwide by the end of its theatrical run. It was so
successful that a sequel called “Freddy vs. Jason vs. Ash,” which would have
brought The Evil Dead series’ Bruce
Campbell into the fold, was seriously discussed. Not bad for a very R-rated
horror film consisting of franchises whose previous solo trips to theaters
resulted in pitiful returns. Critics (genre ones, anyway) were split, but fans
were mostly happy with the final product. Personally, I loved it, warts and all
— and, holy shit, are there some warts. Kindly, and like Halloween: H20, the
version of it that lives in my memory plays a lot better than on the flat
screen of my present, but it still offers bloody violence, a reasonably clever
plot, and a winking/knowing sense of fun. The creative talent behind the
cameras of Freddy vs. Jason took the
concept just as seriously as it deserved, and it shows (which is not a slight
at all).
Not long after its release, Fangoria dedicated two whopping issues
to feature a very long article about all the different iterations of Freddy vs. Jason that had been
discussed over the years, along with interviews of those involved. It was
reasonably in-depth for what Fango’s page count would allow, but was retold in
an anecdotal nature. The morsels that were shared by previous screenwriters of
unmade scripts hinted at far larger and more wild stories, some or most of
which seemed destined never to have their stories realistically told.
From Dustin McNeill (interview here), author of Phantasm Exhumed: The Unauthorized Companion
and Further Exhumed: The Strange Case of
Phantasm Ravager comes Slash of the
Titans: The Road to Freddy vs. Jason, the definitive look at the crazy-long
and very troubled production history of not just the film Freddy vs. Jason, but the idea of “Freddy vs. Jason.” For those
familiar with McNeill’s previous literary examinations of the Phantasm series, it comes as no
surprise to hear that Slash of the Titans
is a meticulously researched tome on the culmination of fandom’s favorite
franchises. Some of the rejected concepts were admittedly nutty and ill-advised
(Jason is arrested and goes to court; Jason and Freddy box in hell, refereed by
Ted Bundy, and many more) but some of them make for some pretty interesting
what-if concepts, such as Freddy having been a janitor at Camp Crystal Lake who
had actually been the one to kill Jason as a young boy to keep him quiet…after
having molested him. What’s interesting about the many different concepts is
that they all seemed to share one thing in common: the screenwriters’ inherent
bias as it pertained to either Freddy or Jason as characters. Much like how the
final version of Freddy vs. Jason is
more Freddy centric, each screenplay showcased a preference for one over the
other — from their screen time to what they were given to do.
McNeill has done his due
diligence, interviewing as many screenwriters of the many unused Freddy vs. Jason iterations as he
could, as well as leafing through all the scripts and providing his own
detailed breakdowns of their plots. Though the topic being discussed is light,
it’s not exactly a breezy read. Small font covers nearly 250 pages, and it
jumps back and forth between these script breakdowns, interviews, and the
author’s own musings piecing together a timeline. It’s a dense book and there’s
a lot of information to take in; as you read one plot breakdown after another, which
particular detail belonged to which script starts to get hazy. Mainstays will
remain in your brain (the kind of wacky stuff one might not forget), but some
of the smaller details will fade. The book is best consumed in multiple
sittings and consuming one unique script-dedicated chapter at a time. (Put it
this way: the author’s previous book, Phantasm
Exhumed, focused on four Phantasm films, as well as earlier
films from director Don Coscarelli. And it’s only 20 pages longer than this
one, a book that focuses on one
Fans of the film that eventually
came to be, or even fans of either franchise but not necessarily their
long-mooted team-up, should absolutely snap up their own copy of Slash of the Titans: The Road to Freddy vs.
Jason. It’s easily the most comprehensive source that will ever exist on
the subject and will keep you busy for quite some time.

Official book stuff:
From the author of Phantasm Exhumed comes Slash of the Titans, a
revealing look at why it took New Line Cinema nearly ten years and
four-million-dollars to find the right screenplay for Freddy vs. Jason. Featuring
new interviews with the original writers and filmmakers, Slash details the
production’s troubled history from the surprise ending of Jason Goes to Hell all the way to the crossover’s red carpet premiere. Read about the
many rejected storylines and learn how the project was eventually able to escape
from development hell. This is the story of one film, two horror icons and
seventeen screenwriters!
- Comprehensive looks at ten different versions of the screenplay
- Info on early crossover attempts by Friday the 13th filmmakers
- Exclusive details on the never made Freddy vs Jason: Hell Unbound video
- Insights from producers, executives and developers including Sean
- An examination of why the Shannon/Swift script was finally greenlit
- Summaries of the four endings considered for the 2003 film
- Coverage of the never made Freddy vs Jason vs Ash sequel
- New comments from the titans themselves Robert Englund and Ken
- Appendices full of story details including the outcomes of all ten