Oct 2, 2014


It's crispness, it's anticipation, it's melancholia, it's cool breezes replacing summer's heat.
It's long days in the field, a harvest festival when work's done, a cheering crowd in a football stadium, chrysanthemums punctuating a somber landscape.
It's Halloween high-jinx, pumpkins grinning toothy smiles, the crack of pecan pressed against pecan.
It's the first curls of woodsmoke, fresh blisters from pushing a rake.
It's crisp and fresh and mellow and snug, solemn and melancholy.
And it's very, very welcome." 

Oct 1, 2014


October is here again. And around these parts, you know what that means: another 31 mini-homages to our favorite night of the year. Stick around with me this month and you'll get a healthy dose of the usual (Unsung Horrors, It Ain't That Bad), the not-so-usuals, a lovely contest to win some free booze (courtesy of the fine folks at PumpkinFace Rum), and lots more.

Also new to this year will be a somewhat more sentimental tone. Without realizing it, I patterned many posts around not just Halloween, but the fondness I have for it, and the nostalgia I can't help but associate with it. Things might come off a bit mushier than normal. You've been warned.

Welcome back, Happy Halloween, and enjoy.


Sep 30, 2014


Yeah...I'd see this version of Halloween: H20, starring demon possession and Tommy Lee Jones. And that tagline is kind of amazing.

Sep 27, 2014


The Joshua Ward House is one of the most haunted houses in America. Most believe the house is haunted by George Corwin, the High Sheriff, a man responsible for executing many “witches” during the infamous Salem Witch Trials.

This photo was taken by a real estate agent with a Polaroid camera during a tour of the house. Many believe that this may be one of the many souls condemned to death on the grounds where Joshua Ward House now stands.